It hasn't felt much like summer with the rain every day, but one thing we know for sure is that it is fabulous to not have any homework!!!!! We've mostly been busy with work. I have started to work as a dental hygienist and am loving it! I will be working Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and every 1st and 3rd Saturday at one office and Fridays at another office. I was really worried about being able to find work, but as always things worked out just great. Somebody's watching out for us!
Jake's Grandpa and Grandma Jensen have been married for 50 years!!!! It was so fun to get together with his ENTIRE family to celebrate it!!! We love them and are so grateful for their example in our lives!

It really was a better kiss than it camera is just really bad at getting a good shot when timing is an issue!!!! Hopefully when Christmas rolls around next year we won't be having that problem any more!!!!
Koda has taken a lot of time and patience like I knew she would, but we love her. This is what happens when she gets worn out...I love her nap times! She loves to lay on her back to get her tummy scratched, but it sure doesn't look like a very comfortable sleeping position!

The best part about getting a new puppy:
Getting breakfast in bed on a Sunday morning because Jake had to get up early to let her go out to the bathroom!

Jake's famous chocolate chip pancakes but in a special "I love you"! I love that boy!