Monday, April 16, 2012

Just thought I'd share this fun photo!

LOVE this boy!
A few weeks ago we went to Willow Park in Logan with Jake's family. Cooper loved all the animals and we had a great time enjoying the sunshine!

Cooper loves wearing his hat, or anybody's hat for that matter!

Cooper Loves to be outside! We have some great neighbors who let Cooper borrow their little trike, which he LOVES! I love these pictures, his facial expressions crack me up!

Temple Square

A few weekends ago we went down with some of our family to SLC to visit Temple Square and City Creek.

Cooper was loving all the pretty flowers.

Can you tell that he doesn't like pictures because we make him try to sit still?! He always wants to be running around doing his own thing!

It was so fun to hear him say "Jesus" while pointing to all the pictures of Christ.

We had a fun day! Thanks Mom and Woody!