Our computer has been throwing fits lately, so we are a little behind. Here comes our big update.
One of my best friends Erin Thunnel get married a few weeks ago! She looked absolutely gorgeous, gotta love this girl!!!! It was also fun to hang out with my friend Christina, since Jake had to work that day so I was a loner! Congrats to Erin and Jared!

We went to the Josh Gracin concert for South Ogden days. We had a blast with the fam and a few of our friends!

This may be a little inappropriate, but it was one of the most memorable parts of the whole night. This couple sitting by us just laid there making out the ENTIRE concert!!! (Jake is just the distractor so we could take the pict!)
We had a blast with our family 4th of July weekend. First, we hung out with the Balls for the traditional BBQ and fireworks on Thursday night.
The next morning we gave Koda her first ever haircut. She did a lot better than I expected her too...Thanks to Alan for his help!
I had to post this pict of Aubrey and Carter that morning because they are our favorite niece and nephew!!!

Afterwards we hiked up to the Wind Caves.
Friday afternoon we drove up to Henry to camp with my dad and stepmom. We had a blast just relaxing and hanging out by Blackfoot Reserviore.
Koda discovered that she LOVES splashing in the water, but hasn't tried actually swimming yet.
It was gorgeous up there!!! I absolutely LOVE rainbows and we had the treat of a DOUBLE!

Old Glory
Sunday we also had the chance to hang out with my cousins from my mom's side at another great BBQ.
Nothing better than a 4th of July weekend spent with the family. Lot of fun, good food, and many great memories!
Now its back to usual life of work! Our days consist of work, and evenings consist of getting things done around the house and taking Koda for walks. This is Jake's most current item he has spoiled her with....a new bed!