On Friday May 1st I graduated from Weber State University with my Bachelors of Science degree in Dental Hygiene!!! It was a great day!
To make the day even better, we found out that our whole class passed the national written dental hygiene exam! What a relief! I'm still waiting for my score to come in the mail, but all I wanted was to pass so this was some great news! Unfortunately, we still have 3 more boards to go this Thursday and Friday! I'm scared out of my mind, but I tried to push that out of my head and just enjoy graduation.


Myself with Prof. McConaughy, Prof. Alexander, and Prof. Bossenberger. I was so blessed to have such great faculty to learn from and look up to. These guys are awesome! Below is one of my other professors, Prof. Hansen. They dedicate so much time in our behalf!

Chelsea, Emily, Prof. Hansen and me.
I made so many great friends while in the program. This will probably be the only thing I miss about school. I just hope I can keep in touch with them. It was good to have someone to vent to about the frustrations about school (I'm sure Jake was also grateful I had some other people to vent to give him a break!)
Mindy, Me and Chelsea.
These two were my partners that I worked with on my BS thesis. We researched what health care professionals along the Wasatch Front were telling women of child-bearing age about the importance of getting to the dentist to help them have a healthy pregnancy.

Camille and I are also able to work together at Pediatric Dentistry.
I was so grateful for all the support from my loved ones! They helped make it a special day for me! I know they had to make some sacrifices to be there with me, and I want them to know that I really appreciate that!

My grandpa came all the way from Preston ID!

This is the only pict. I got with my step dad Woody...what a shame!

Jeff and Tammie even brought their cute family to cheer me on! Jeff will be graduating in 2 weeks from the University of Utah Law program. Congrats Jeff on all your hard work!

Jake, Me, my dad, and my step-mom Linda.

Me, my Dad, and my little sis Kylie.

Me and my cute mom!
Jake's parents were in St. George for some business meetings and weren't able to make it. I wanted to thank them for all their love and support as well!
Afterwards we went to the Pizza Factory for some yummy food and celebration!

Last of all I have to give a big shout out to Jake. He has been the biggest support to me of all through all of this. He is so amazing. He has put up with sooo much. School has caused me a lot of stress over the past 2 years and he's stuck with me and helped me get through it. I owe so much of where I am today to him. I love him with all of my heart and want him to know how grateful I am for everything he does for me. I'm so lucky to have him in my life. He has even volunteered to be my patient for my local anesthesia exam...what a great husband! (ok, so maybe he didn't volunteer to let me give him shots, but he did agree to do it!!!)

Jake and I at my graduation banquet at the Timbermine.
Thanks again to EVERYONE for supporting me in my goals! I'm so LUCKY to be surrounded by such AMAZING family and friends!