Friday, December 9, 2011

Happy First Birthday Little Man!!!

Happy Birthday Cooper! I can't believe it has been a whole year. It's gone by way too fast! Time definitely needs to slow down!

Jake woke up early this morning before work to make his specialty breakfast for Cooper....chocolate chip pancakes! He is seriously the best dad in the whole wide world and so creative. Don't you just love his special touch... (sorry I couldn't get the picture to flip the right way).

As you can tell, Cooper LOVED them!

After Jake got home from work we decided to let Cooper open his presents. He was pretty excited! It took him some time to figure out what to do with the paper, but once he did he had a blast!

He crawled up here all by himself to read his book.

I was trying to get a picture with him and his presents but he just couldn't stop hugging his puppy (it's actually a piggy bank) to look at the camera for a picture.

He even spent some time cuddling with Dad afterwards!

Happy Birthday buddy! We love you more than you will ever know and are so grateful that you are part of our family!


Jeremy & Stacy said...

Happy Birthday Coop! Such a cutie.

The DeGiulio's said...

Cant believe he is already one! Looks like he had a great first birthday. Those chocolate chip pancakes are too cute. We got Bailee that piano for her first birthday & she still loves playing with it.

The Schmutz Family said...

How funny I was thinking how he looked like such a big boy and that he must have had a hair cut. Then I look below and there it is. So fun when they have milestones (and seriously sad at the same time.) If you have a girl, now you know what she would look like with piggies!