Monday, August 6, 2012

Foam Fest

 Last week we went swimming with our friend Stacy and her son Connor. Just hangin' out after getting out of the pool!
 One day Cooper was wearing Koda's collar on his head as he walked around the house. Usually when it's on Koda he will grab a hold of it and lead her around saying "come here." He loves to play fetch with Koda, but sometimes forgets that he is playing with HER toys and gets upset when she won't listen when he tells her to "drop it." It's pretty funny to watch them together. Cooper always wants Koda in the same room he is in and always wants to take her with when we leave the house.

Last Friday I did the Foam Fest down at Fort Buenaventura in Ogden. It's a 5k that also includes obstacles involving water, mud, and foam.
 This is our team BEFORE the race.
 My friend and teammate Mindy after doing down one of the foam slides!
 Jake was trying to get my attention to stop and pose for a picture, but I wasn't quite getting the message!
 Coming across the last obstacle with one of my teammates!
 And this is our team AFTER the race!
Definitely one of the funnest things I have ever done!

1 comment:

Stefani and Kevin Jessop said...

How fun! it was so good to see you guys over the weekend, hopefully we'll be able to catch up again soon!