Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Grey's River

Jake's family has had a tradition since his mom was a little girl to go camping at Grey's River in Wyoming every Labor Day weekend. This is my 3rd year going with the family and it has become something that I absolutely love! It is so much fun to get away and spend time with the fam. We left Friday afternoon and arrived after driving for about 4 hours. That night Carter (our 2-yr-old nephew) tripped on the fire pit and his hand landed on the hot coals. Although it was pretty blistered and he had to have it wrapped for the rest of the trip we were lucky that it was as minor as it was...I hate to think what could have happened!

Saturday morning Jake woke up early to ride from Alpine to Teton Village with his uncle Mike to prepare for Lotoja next weekend. Afterwards we had a blast playing at Murphy's lake. Believe it or not they actually talked me into going off the rope swing!

I got a great picture of Eden!

Unfortunately Sunday afternoon it started raining. We of course still had to make the famous dutch oven donuts in the rain. Jake was pretty stoked when he found a salomander right under his feet when we were making the donuts...kind of a wierd place for one! Luckily our tent held up and we stayed dry throughout the night! The only bad part is that it didn't clear up enough for the tent to dry off before we left so we had to come home and set it up again!

When we got home we had a fun little friend sitting on the picnic table outside our door...Check him out!

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