Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Another Favorite

I FINALLY did it! I read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone!!!! I had started reading it in highschool and decided it wasn't for me. However, after much contemplation I decided to give it a second chance. I'm glad I did! I'm usually not much for make-believe things, but there is just something about this book that is rather entertaining! (I think what made me change my mind and give it a chance is the fact that I liked the Twilight series so much. If I can like a book about Vampires, why not a book about wizards and magic...right?!)

I love to read. It gives me a chance to wind down at nights and try to take my brain off all the events of that day and the days to come.

Over Christmas break Jake had gone duck hunting with his friend, Jerald, which I had mentioned on a previous post. We finally got some pictures of the day so I decided to share one.

Here is Jake with his ducks! You can't tell, but he has like 12 hanging around his neck! His pride and joy of course is the pintail he is holding up! Way to go babe!

1 comment:

Karlee said...

Jake has a certain twinkle in his eye while holding those ducks. It's the same twinkle he gets when he looks at puppies! or his beautiful wife of course!